Implementing On-Site Childcare: Benefits for Your Business and Employees



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    Ready to offer your employees on-site childcare? Work with your local Jovie to create a custom childcare solution for your business.

    Finding reliable and affordable childcare is becoming a significant challenge for working parents. As a result, balancing work and family responsibilities can become a stressor for many parents and impact their work. On-site childcare can help mitigate many of these issues and offers several benefits to both businesses and employees. 

    What Is On-site Childcare? 

     Some businesses offer on-site childcare, which means they provide professional childcare services on the business’s premises. This service can be offered to employees at the workplace or seasonally at business events such as company holiday parties and conferences. Fun fact: Jovie even provides on-site childcare at home and away games for over 13 professional sports leagues 

    Benefits of On-site Childcare for Businesses 

    On-site childcare can be a significant asset to businesses, as it can improve employee morale, support higher productivity, high retention rates, attract top talent, and boost a business’s reputation in the community. Let’s dive deeper into why adding on-site childcare to employee benefits is, well, a huge benefit! 

    Improves Employee Morale and Productivity 

     Ask almost anyone who has run a business: the happier the employees, the better the business functions. When employees are less stressed and feel supported by their employer, they can focus more on their work and be more engaged team members. On-site childcare helps employees feel valued at work, as their employer is helping to mitigate a huge stressor for many working parents and making work-life balance a priority. This stress reduction allows employees to be more engaged and focus on essential tasks and goals. For example, having childcare on the premises eliminates any commute time employees would spend driving to and from another childcare facility, reducing daily stress and eliminating the need to cut workdays short to pick up their child on time. On-site childcare can also reduce employee absences due to childcare issues, such as a nanny being sick or out of town. 

    Some businesses will offer on-site childcare at company functions, making it a family-inclusive event. Not only can this help encourage employee attendance, but employees can be fully present and enjoy the event when they know their little ones are in safe hands nearby.  

    Learn about the many benefits of on-site childcare for businesses and employees–from improved productivity to greater work-life balance and more.


    Supports High Employee Retention and Helps Attract Top Talent 

    Businesses with on-site childcare tend to have higher employee retention rates. When employees without this benefit feel pulled between the demands of caretaking and work responsibilities, they are more likely to leave their jobs, even if they are otherwise satisfied with their work environment. In this way, on-site childcare can support gender equity in the workplace and help retain top talent within your organization, allowing valued employees to rise to leadership positions and support the business’ success. On-site childcare is also an attractive benefit for prospective employees who are working parents or concerned about work-life balance. In fact, because it can help attract a wider pool of candidates, this benefit can help fill vacant positions more quickly, supporting seamless business operations. 

    Boosts Your Business’ Reputation 

    More and more, a business’s reputation in its community is crucial to its success, as consumers decide which companies to support based on their social responsibility practices. On-site childcare demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being and can foster a positive public image among potential customers. 

    Benefits of On-site Childcare for Employees 

     Employees often struggle to balance the demands of their professional life with their family’s needs. Many working parents love the option of having on-site childcare, as it alleviates many of these challenges and supports their overall happiness.  

     Gives Parents Peace of Mind 

     When parents know their child will always have the care they need while they’re at work, they have greater peace of mind and reduced day-to-day stress. Parents with access to on-site childcare never have to worry about their nanny canceling unexpectedly or their daycare closing due to staffing shortages or inclement weather. Additionally, this benefit allows parents to check on their children during the day if needed. This proximity can be especially important for parents of children with special care needs, such as allergies, dietary restrictions, and sensory issues. Being only a short walk away if concerns arise can put parents at ease and free up mental space for other priorities–both at work and elsewhere. 


    Learn about the many benefits of on-site childcare for businesses and employees–from improved productivity to greater work-life balance and more.


    Allows for Greater Convenience and Flexibility 

     The last thing many parents want to do before or after a long workday is spend more time in the car than they have to. With on-site childcare, parents don’t have to add to their commute with pick-ups and drop-offs to childcare. Instead, they can head home after the workday, allowing them to spend more time with their families. Additionally, many companies offering on-site childcare might offer more flexible schedules to accommodate other childcare or family needs, since they value work-life balance. 

    Reduces Childcare Costs 

    Childcare costs in the U.S. are soaring, sometimes even surpassing the cost of rent or mortgages for many families. Because employers typically subsidize on-site childcare costs, this option is generally less expensive than external childcare options. On-site childcare can also save families money on transportation costs. Many childcare facilities have long waitlists, making it hard for families to find daycares near their homes. 

    Ready to Bring On-Site Childcare to Your Business? 

    Is on-site childcare right for your business? From daily workdays to conferences or special work events, Jovie can work with your business to create a custom solution. Our trained and experienced childcare professionals can help take the stress of childcare off your employees’ plate–so you can get back to business!  Contact your local Jovie to learn more about a childcare solution that fits your business needs. 

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    Find On-Site Childcare for Your Business

    Ready to offer your employees on-site childcare? Work with your local Jovie to create a custom childcare solution for your business.
